Thursday, June 27, 2013


 this show is pretty out there. Our protagonist, Toriko is one of the four heavenly kings, and his mission is to create his full course menu, consisting of the most delicious things there is to eat. In order to do so he must travel around the world searching for the rarest and most precious ingredients along with his trusted companion, chef Komatsu. the ingredients are wild and murderous and Toriko captures them with his knife and fork attacks.
The part of the show i enjoy the most is probably the setting, and while watching this show the question of which anime world I would like to live in was answered, I mean, there's pancakes and pastries that grow on trees, it snows cocoa powder, there's a whole Island made out of breakfast foods. That and the fact that our heroes power up by eating delicious stuff! I know none of these ingredients exist but I can't help but have a watery mouth every time they describe them.
The plot in itself is pretty standard for an action anime. You have the good guy and his allies, and a secret organization trying to take over the world (or in this case, the world's ingredients) you have fights and friendship and lols and manly masculinity, most of the time I'm thinking "what the fuuuuuckkkk......" but it's in a good way, I think.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shingeki no kyojin 10

Armin shows his awesome as cake negotiating skills and acts real badass-y while still managing to look like a total pansy throughout. 
Eren becomes really emotional all randomly
this guy.....stops thinking entirely 
Just as our Pensive friend up there is about to order Eren, Armin and Mikasa to be turned into pulp, this gentleman shows up, takes over, saves the kids and offers up the quote of the week:

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hataraku Maou Sama! 9

This show is sadly going downhill for me, which sucks cause I really wanted to like it.
I think the problem is that it's trying so hard to be an epic fantasy while at the same time a slice-of-life with some rom-com elements that it fails at being any of them.
I think the most successful moments of the show are when the slice-of-life kicks in and all we're watching is the great and mighty demon lord trying his best at selling burgers while his trusted companion is nagging at him about saving a buck in their passive scheme to take over the world. It's simple and it worked for me. They're both very likable and funny and whenever they're on screen, I love the show, and i love watching Maou and Ashiya speculate and strategize over the most simple things like it was a life or death matter, I could watch whole episodes of their small talk cause that't just how entertaining it is.

But when we get to the other elements, like the Ente Island talk or the rom-com shenanigans it feels like I'm watching a completely different and not all that great show. I don't like Emi anymore, she has gone from being the cool hero antagonist to an inconsistent mess, one minute getting herself involved with all the crazy, and the next hating Maou with all of her being.
Then there's the new character, Kimono-Ente Island-Church-Girl, Who in my opinion is completely unnecessary. I just don't get the point of her being there except maybe the creator really really wanted a character who wears Kimonos. Emi's enough of an antagonist and Chiho is all the cute a show could need. Also Emi's call center friend is a twat. She shows up, falls for Ashiya, sexually assaults Chiho, verbally attacks Maou and demands he do something awesome.

All in all I think this show got saturated. I won't stop watching cause I'm already too far into it to quit now and I really do enjoy some of the funnier moments I'll just try to enjoy what it's doing right and ignore the bad stuff.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Shingeki no kyojin 9

So what do you do when you've been fighting gigantic monsters for hundreds of years, your species is on the brink of extinction, but suddenly you have a super ultra secret weapon to kick their asses and take back the land you lost to them?  Try to shoot it with a cannon!

This guy totally looks ready to make big decisions
So after Eren's sexy titan rampage, the titan just conveniently melts away and he comes out looking fresh as a lettuce. Everyone's in shock because, well that shit's pretty insane and they want Eren to stay the fuck away. Eren himself doesn't remember anything and is super confused. Totally in charge-man from the picture above orders the cannons to be fired and Eren, using his newly discovered powers, teaches Armin and Mikasa about the wonders of the skeletal and muscular systems.
Not really.

Also, In this episode, we meet the cool cats down at the elite Reconnaissance Legion.Meet Glasses Lady and Indifferent Fellow, I really can't be bothered to find out their names at the moment, but I assure you , they're cool. Glasses Lady kind of has a titan fetish and can't wait to see what kind of abnormal etonas they're gonna find.
Indifferent Fellow really isn't all that indifferent, he's got the same crazy eyed thing as Eren and wants to
kill 'em all. they are also the only two people besides  Mikasa to be able to kill an Etonas all by themselves, so I guess they're pretty important and character we should watch out for. 

Mexican 'stash titan also makes an appearance.
because the fact that you're a giant, human-devouring monster shouldn't keep you from being well groomed , Right?
And Eren smears his guyliner.