Thursday, April 25, 2013

Arata Kangatari 2

The only thing that really happens in this episode is that Arata #1 or Hinohara was caught by the Twelve sexy baddies and unjustly judged by them, but instead of being sentenced to death he is being sent to hell on earth, Gatoya cause the white haired sexy baddie wants to figure out how his sword works. Also I confirmed to myself that I'd rather be watching Arata #2 who we will now just call Arata. Arata is just such a nicer, funner character to watch, he only get two scenes in the whole episode and he's still the best character on the show. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Hinohara and I'm sure he's gonna be a wonderful, brave main character. but let's just say if I was the rusty sword, I would have picked Arata.
Now I've said Arata too many times to myself and it doesn't make sense anymore.
You said it, Sir!
Anywhoo, they're on their way to gotoya, hell on earth and according to the previews hell on earth includes Lavy from D-gray Man's little brother or something and baths so it can't be that bad right?

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