Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hataraku Maou-sama! 1-4

The Devil and his vessel, Alsiel are stuck in modern day japan after losing a fight for a world called Isla Ente. They need to make a living while they figure out how to restore their powers so they can go back to plotting to dominate the world(s). The show is oddly realistic, pointing out the things they need to function in society, the  devil uses his powers to get them identities as (Maou Sadao and Ashiya Shirou), but most importantly, they need money.
So the devil takes on a job at a McRonalds, while Alsiel investigates how to get their powers back and manages the household. Maou is surprisingly good at his job and it's fun to watch him get all fired up to sell black pepper fries in order to become a full time employee. Everything is going peacefully until we meet Hero  Emilia with her 100 yen switchblade because as it turms out her sacred sword of justice doesn't work out here in the real world. As it turns out she followed them into japan and had to get a job as well at a call center.
I think one of the best part of this show is the relationship and interactions between Maou and Emilia. it accents how unexpected this show can be and how well executed the characters are. Whereas Maou is this goofy easygoing excitable fellow, Emilia is cool, perfectly, logical, and a little scary (though i guess she would qualify as a tsundere). All in all they make as great a comedy pair as he and Alsiel do.
I guess another main character is Chi-Chan, Maou's co-worker at McRonalds, who has a super obvious crush on him. To me she doesn't seem that important (and kind of annoying) but she appears in the op and ed and she can hear voices from Isla Ente so...
 It's not til episode three where we see Maou's real form as a ripped, goat-footed, horned demon which is cool.
In episode 4 we get to know about Emilia's childhood and the hatred she has for Maou, cause it seems like he was kind of a dirtbag back in Isla Ente. He simply apologizes saying he burned villages, killed people, and unleashed untold chaous and misery cause he just didn't understand back then. Fair enough. We also learn she is the child of an angel and that's why she can kill demons. Makes sense. It also seems that Chi-Chan isn't there just to add the bouncing boob factor to the anime, but she actually matters. We meet the real prick in the story: Lucifaaahhh! one of Maou's demon generals who I assume is the one who's behind all the destroying and killing.

he even looks like a tool
Also Alsiel releases the dullahan......
And Alsiel begs for forgiveness.....
And Alsiel makes a screaming face...

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