Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hataraku Maou-Sama 6

Can you say Fillahhh!?
Maou gets pumped over eating some grilled fleshy things.

A postcard from the hot ass landlady has terrifying consequences.
 Emi takes on an anatomical model.

Maou, Ashiel and Chiho go uncover the seven mysteries of her high school at night in hopes there will be a gate where Maou can replenish his powers. but it just turns out they're on an errand to get Lucifer's (rechristened Urushiyama) Psp, What a Twist!
There's lols and cute moments, but no actual plot gets told. Except for some creepy foreshadowing and some Ente Isla crazy talk. so you know, Fun. Also this happens.
what's the japanese word for cunt, subbers?

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