Friday, May 24, 2013

Hataraku Maou-Sama! 7

Once more, nothing that interesting goes down, so here's a list of the  most important points:

1.There;s a new neighbor and obviously like any self respecting side character should, she has the hots for Maou, so now Emi, Chiho, cute new neighbor and Ashiel will be battling it out for Maou's heart, who will come out victorious?

2. Ashiel gets sick :////

3. Emi' s is still crazy as ever, stalking Maou and being a hater and a wet blanket in general. She receives magic vitamins that will allow her to use her sacred angel-child powers. So now we've got a crazy hater with readily available magic sword powers.
I'm getting really good with the snipping tool
4. Emi gets attacked by purple eyed demon at the 7-eleven, he can block her magic sword attacks and has laser eyes.
And a scythe, we're fucked y'all

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